A letter from the Mayor - re. High Street Parking Arrangements Post 19th July 2021

Dear Residents & Business Owners,

High Street Parking arrangements post 19th July 2021

The Government has announced that as of Monday 19th July all legal restrictions with respect to Covid-19 will be removed including the 1 metre + social distancing. Instead the Government will be asking us to manage the situation through personal responsibility rather than Government control. Public Health are still advising caution as the virus is circulating throughout the country, including Malmesbury.

In line with this announcement, the High Street Regeneration Team of Malmesbury Town Council have arranged to meet with senior representatives of Wiltshire Council this Thursday, 15th July, to discuss the implications this will have on the removal of the current High Street restrictions. 

Please note that implementing the removal of the bollards and planters remains wholly the legal responsibility of the Highways officers of Wiltshire Council.  At the time of writing this letter we have been advised that Wiltshire Council have a considerable number of such covid social distancing schemes across the county. All will need removing. It is therefore extremely unlikely this will coincide with the date of the 19th July.

Hopefully following the meeting I will be in a position to let everyone know the plan for Malmesbury and we will be able to advise on the changes that will be taking place and the timelines associated with these.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding during what has been an unprecedented year as we look forward to the start of a return to the ‘new normal’.

Yours faithfully,

Councillor Paul Smith, Mayor of Malmesbury



Local stories in and around the Malmesbury area to keep you up-to-date.


A wonderful place to visit with a wealth of attractions right on the doorstep.


MALMESBURY is a vibrant, market town, steeped in history going back to medieval times. Currently home to many famous & popular musical, cultural, and festival events throughout the year, visitors can browse the charming streets with independent retailers, or stop at one of the lively cafes, restaurants, pubs, and bars.

Attractions to visit include the stunning 12th century Malmesbury Abbey, 15th century Market Cross and the Athelstan Museum with a painting of Malmesbury Abbey by JMW Turner. There are also lovely walks along the River Avon.



Town Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9BZ

The Council Office is open for Council business from 9am until 5pm Monday to Thursday & Friday 9am to 4.30pm, except for Bank Holidays.

Please call us on 01666 822143, or visit our contact page here to contact a specific councillor or member of the council staff directly.