Civic and Ceremonial occasions are an important part of the role of the Town Council, and the role of Mayoral Cadet is a wonderful opportunity for a young person to be involved in these public events.
We are looking for two cadets from either a uniformed organisation, local Church or Malmesbury Secondary School. The minimum age for the Mayoral Cadet role is 14 years old and no older than 18 years of age at the start of the Municipal Year (May 2025).
A list of Civic Events the Mayoral Cadet will be invited to for the municipal year 2025/26 can be found in the application form below where you can also find the relevant information regarding the role and protocol for the position.
If you require further information, please contact the Town Clerk via email,
Please return completed application forms to Claire Mann, Town Clerk by Wednesday 30th April 2025 via email