It is a tough time for many residents who are finding it increasingly difficult to afford heating, food, clothes and other household bills. This is due to the rise in energy and other costs and especially so after additional spend over Christmas.
As a community, we have come together to organise support and to provide a range of warm places, where people can spend time outside of their homes to help reduce their heating bills. Many of the venues provide optional activities and refreshments free of charge or are very much subsidised. It’s also a great way to get out and socialise too! Alternatively there are non-activity options, if you just wish to relax on your own, to read or chat with a friend. Most venues have free wifi and all are welcoming and friendly.
Additionally, the Malmesbury and District Foodbank operates in the Town Hall (voucher required –see our joint leaflet) and the HEALS Community Wardrobe has now opened on Tuesday mornings, to help people with free winter coats and clothes at Riverside Community Centre. The HEALS Community Fridge, again in the Town Hall and by the lift, is stocked with food which is free to take. Local supermarkets supply this food, it is good to eat, but getting close to it’s ‘use by date’ and would otherwise be wasted and go into landfill.
So, if you find yourself worried by the current situation, then please be reassured that you are not alone. There is assistance, advice and support available for you in Malmesbury. Full details are in our joint leaflet, which can be obtained at the Town Hall, the Library or other main venues in Malmesbury. (A copy is also being distributed to every household in Malmesbury at the end of January/ beginning of February).
Special thanks go to Cllr. Gavin Grant – Deputy Mayor of Malmesbury, Wiltshire Councillor and Chair of HEALS. Thanks also to the Wiltshire Council Area Board and Malmesbury Carnival for providing grant funding. Lastly, a huge thank you to all those local organisations and volunteers, who in partnership, have worked so hard to make this support programme happen for our community.
Cllr. Kim Power- Mayor of Malmesbury