Last week Wiltshire Council’s Strategic Planning Committee passed this application against the provisions of Malmesbury Neighbourhood Plan and the strong objections of Malmesbury Town Council.
Malmesbury Town Council and others have made requests to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government that because this decision, and the damage it will do for Neighbourhood Planning across Wiltshire, is of such regional and national importance it should be ‘called in’.
We are pleased to report Wiltshire Council has received notice the Secretary of State has agreed to consider these ‘call in’ requests and that Wiltshire Council will not issue a decision on the Gleeson Planning Application until they have received a response from the Secretary of State.
If residents wish to write to the Secretary of State to encourage him to ‘call in’ this application so it can be reconsidered, he can be contacted at
Cllr Campbell Ritchie
Mayor, Malmesbury Town Council
Cllr Phil Exton
Chair, Malmesbury Town Council Planning and Environment Committee