Time is running out to have your say on policing in Wiltshire

Time is running out to have your say on policing in Wiltshire

There are just two weeks left for residents in Wiltshire to help shape the policing service they receive by having their say on policing priorities. 

The Use Your Voice survey is one of the foundation blocks which Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson will base his new Police and Crime Plan on – the blueprint for strategic policing and crime priorities until 2025. 

The survey enables residents to have their say on different aspects of policing, including which areas of policing are most important to them, their perception of crime rates over the past three years and how they think Wiltshire Police could improve the service it provides.   

He said: “Earlier this month I launched the Use Your Voice Survey which will help me to ensure that the plans that I set out and define in my new Police and Crime Plan are focused and prioritised on your concerns and needs. 

“I would urge everyone to please fill out the survey if you haven’t done so already, so I can ensure the Police and Crime Plan is reflective of what Wiltshire residents want and deserve out of their police service – if it matters to you, it matters to me.” 

The Use Your Voice survey will remain open until Friday 2 August. All feedback will be analysed and used to inform the draft plan.  

Members of the public will be able to download the draft plan from the PCC website and provide feedback in early September. The revised plan will replace Making Wiltshire Safer: Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025 after it is presented at Wiltshire’s Police and Crime Panel meeting in November.  

To fill out the survey, please click here




Local stories in and around the Malmesbury area to keep you up-to-date.


A wonderful place to visit with a wealth of attractions right on the doorstep.


MALMESBURY is a vibrant, market town, steeped in history going back to medieval times. Currently home to many famous & popular musical, cultural, and festival events throughout the year, visitors can browse the charming streets with independent retailers, or stop at one of the lively cafes, restaurants, pubs, and bars.

Attractions to visit include the stunning 12th century Malmesbury Abbey, 15th century Market Cross and the Athelstan Museum with a painting of Malmesbury Abbey by JMW Turner. There are also lovely walks along the River Avon.



Town Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9BZ

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