Residents of Malmesbury may have seen a statement issued by the Police yesterday. Most are aware that over the last months in particular, we have experienced extreme anti-social behaviour and criminal incidents, which have shocked and appalled local people.
The vast majority of young people who live here are respectful and kind, but a small group of youths have been behind the repeated anti-social behaviour and vandalism. The Police and other authorities have worked with them diligently behind the scenes for some time, but they have continued on with their destructive ways, causing huge upset and damage.
No one wishes to criminalise a young person if it can be avoided. However, recent and very upsetting incidents have now led to arrests. This is a clear message that behaviour of this sort will not be tolerated and that there are consequences.
As Mayor, I and Malmesbury Town Council will continue to support the Police to take every action they need to in order to stop anti-social behaviour, vandalism and crime in our town. This includes both a mentorship approach, but followed by due process if necessary.
Our thanks go to the Police whose work, often unseen, is now bringing forward results.
"As Malmesbury Wiltshire Councillor and Deputy Mayor, I am pleased to see our local police taking rapid and decisive action after these disgusting crimes.
Malmesbury Mayor Cllr Kim Power and I have had many private meetings with Inspector James Brain and Sergeant Jamie Ball. They have briefed us on the huge amount of hard work going on behind the scenes by officers dedicated to bringing those responsible for the criminal anti social behaviour in our town to justice.
We have backed them all the way. It is good to see our positive partnership is delivering public results. I expect to see more police public announcements on their investigations in the near future.
As chair of our Local Youth Network I work closely with Malmesbury School and others who support young people. We know the overwhelming majority of those young people are as disgusted as we are by the actions of a tiny number who are out of control. We also know more needs to done here to support our young people in these very challenging times, so they enjoy Malmesbury as they grow to become responsible adults. "
Cllr Gavin Grant, Wiltshire Councillor for and Deputy Mayor of Malmesbury
For full details of the Malmesbury Police Statement - 29th September 2022, please click on the following link