Malmesbury Town Council is working collaboratively for the best outcome for residents given planning permission has been granted at Filands.
Bloor Homes own two side by side development sites at Filands in Malmesbury which are now subject to separate outline planning permissions to develop for residential with land for a nursery. Now these planning permissions have been given Bloor Homes and Malmesbury Town Council are agreed that there are advantages to viewing, planning and designing the combined parcels together. Accordingly, Bloor Homes are now creating a single new comprehensive plan for the two sites, and are actively consulting with Malmesbury Town Council during this process, with a view to submitting this as a new planning application early in the New Year.
However, while this is happening residents will also see Bloor Homes make a further separate planning application and start an appeal to preserve the planning permissions they already have. This is inevitable as Bloor Homes clearly does not wish to forgo the right it has established to develop these sites. Likewise, Malmesbury Town Council will take any formal steps open to it to achieve the best planning outcome possible at these two sites.
In the meantime, Bloor Homes and Malmesbury Town Council will continue to work positively together with the firm shared intention that Bloor Homes will put forward a single masterplan proposal to for the whole site to replace the two previous separate applications.
If residents have any questions, please contact Claire Mann, Town Clerk at Malmesbury Town Council on 01666 822143 or email: