Visit by High Sheriff of Wiltshire to the Alzheimer’s Support Group

Visit by High Sheriff of Wiltshire to the Alzheimer’s Support Group

Lady Lansdowne is a patron of Alzheimer’s Support in Wiltshire.

On Monday 6th March we were delighted to welcome Lady Lansdowne, High Sheriff of Wiltshire and Marchioness of Bowood, to Riverside Community Centre in Malmesbury, where our local Alzheimer’s Support Group meet for music and movement sessions, run by Pam Ollis AS Co-ordinator.

She came along to join in with part of the music and movement and importantly to meet people and enjoy a cup of tea, cake and a chat, which is a very important part of the session!

Also in attendance, were the Mayor of Malmesbury Cllr. Kim Power, the Mayor’s Consort Cllr. Catherine Doody, volunteer Trustees of Riverside, Peter Gilchriest, Mary O’Brien, Margaret Perrin and Graham Coates and the Fundraising Manager for Alzheimer’s Support, Rachel Fear.  AS Website for info-

Quote from Rachel Fear, Fundraising Manager of Alzheimer’s Support:

“Singing together in a supportive, friendly group is uplifting, enjoyable and hugely therapeutic for people living with dementia. Our Malmesbury group meets for singing and gentle movement to music. Everyone does as much as they like at their own pace, with plenty of camaraderie along the way.”

Quote from Mayor of Malmesbury:

“We were very honoured to receive a visit from the High Sheriff of Wiltshire to the Alzheimer’s Support Group session at Riverside Community Centre, here in Malmesbury. During my year as Mayor, I have been fundraising for three local charities, one of which is Alzheimer’s Support. The reason for this and why Lady Lansdowne’s visit was very important to me personally, is because my own mother lived with vascular dementia for some years and I cared for her during this time. Alzheimer’s Support is a great charity and helps people to remain active and supported to live at home if they can, which makes a real difference to people’s quality of life. Also fun, but crucial is the social side, including for carers who can meet with others who are in a similar situation. We are very fortunate to have Alzheimer’s Support available in Malmesbury and I thank them from the heart, for the excellent work they do.”


L-R: Lady Lansdowne, AS Co-Ordinator, Mayor of Malmesbury


L-R: Cllr Catherine Doody, Pam Ollis AS, Rachel Fear AS, Lady Lansdowne, Mayor of Malmesbury



Photographs by Richard Harris.










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