A Red Telephone Box in Malmesbury Square, Bad Hersfeld has been dedicated to the memory of Cllr Ray Sanderson's late wife, Margaret Sanderson who was Mayoress from 2012 to 2013. Cllr Sanderson is pictured in the middle with Tomas Fehling and HJoerg Kretschmer.
The Town Clerk of Malmesbury, Claire Mann and Councillors Ray Sanderson, Paul Smith and Frances Smith visit Bad Hersfeld in Germany.
Malmesbury has a friendship link with Bad Hersfeld in Germany (celebrating the historical link via Lulus, a monk who studied at Malmesbury Abbey) and each year representatives from the Council attend the Lullusfest which is the oldest folk festival in Germany. It commemorates Archbishop Lull (710 to 786), the founder of Bad Hersfeld and a student of Boniface. It was first celebrated in 852. Since then, the popular home festival has taken place in the week in which the anniversary of the death of "Saint Lullus" (October 16) falls.
Gifts were presented to the exiting Mayor of Bad Hersfeld, Thomas Fehling. The new Mayor is Anke Hoffman.